Sunday 4 May 2014

The Seven Key Steps of Story Structure

1. Weakness and Need. 

Psychological Weakness: Hero is impetuous, impulsive, hot-tempered and selfish.
Moral Weakness: Has no regard for others, and thinks of mortals as insignificant ants.

Psychological Need: Needs to learn that being selfish gets you nowhere, when you are in a crisis support from others can help you survive.
Moral Need: Hero needs to learn to treat others as equals, and stop thinking of people as just a way to get what she wants.

2. Desire.

Hero wants to get her powers back, and leave the mortal plane.

3. Opponent.

The being that attacks her home world. He/she wants to take the powers of her home world, and use them to rule over all planes. The opponent tries to get the hero to join him/her, and rule over everyone. Both the hero and the opponent are selfish at the start of the story, but when the opponent later attacks the mortal village, it makes the hero realise that she cares for the mortals, and that they are important to her.

4. Plan.

The mortal world has shrines that link them to the higher plane. These shrines draw on the higher beings powers, to allow the world to thrive. The hero wants to try and use these shrines as a way of accessing her old powers, or communicating with people from her home world.

5. Battle.

Physical battle. Opponent still tries to convince the hero that they aren't so different, and to join him/her. Hero must choose - give in to her weakness, or fight it.

6. Self-revelation.

Psychological self-revelation: Hero realises that she has been arrogant and childish, and didn't deserve her place on the higher plane.
Moral self-revelation: Hero realises that mortals are just as important as "higher" beings, and that no matter your birthright, how you choose to live the life you are given defines who you are.

7. New equilibrium.

Hero defeats opponent, and is rewarded by regaining her powers and is welcomed back home (she has defeated her selfishness, and arrogance, and has also saved her home world).

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