Thursday 4 July 2013


This is where I will make note of any sources of information that I use throughout the course of the dissertation module.


  • Andrew Rollings & Ernest Adams (2003). Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design. USA: New Riders Publishing.
  • Derek Lea (2009). Creative Photoshop CS4. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Don Seegmiller (2003). Digital Character Design and Painting. USA: Charles River Media.
  • Ettore Maiotti (1993). The Drawing Handbook. Italy: Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri.
  • Flint Dille & John Zuur Platten (2007). The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design. New York: Lone Eagle Publishing Company.
  • Haitao Su & Vincent Zhao (2011). Alive Character Design. United Kingdom: Cypi Press.
  • Hazel Harrison (1999). Drawing with Pencils & Pastels. London: Lorenz Books.
  • Heather Maxwell Chandler & Rafael Chandler (2011). Fundamentals of Game Development. London: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • John Torreano (2007). Drawing by Seeing. London: Lawrence King Publishing.
  • Lee Sheldon (2004). Character Development and Storytelling for Games. Boston: Thomson Course Technology.
  • Les Pardew (2005). Beginning Illustration and Storyboarding for Games. Boston: Thomson Course Technology.
  • Phil Metzger (2007). The Art of Perspective. Ohio: North Light Books.
  • Steve Ince (2006). Writing for Video Games. London: A & C Black Publishers Limited.
  • Tom Bancroft (2012). Character Mentor. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • John Truby (2007). The Anatomy of Story. USA: Faber and Faber, Inc.

Journal Articles:

  • David Freeman. (2004). Creating Emotion in Games: the Craft and Art of Emotioneering. Computers in Entertainment (CIE) - Theoretical and Practical Computer Applications in Entertainment. Volume 2, Issue 3, 15-15.
  • Grant Tavinor. (2005). Video Games, Fiction, and Emotion. IE '05 Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on Interactive entertainment. 201-207.
  • Regina Bernhaupt. (2007). Using Emotion in Games: Emotional Flowers.ACE '07 Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology. 41 - 48.


  • Bon Exposé. Concept Art. Available: Last accessed 17th October 2013.
  • Brandon Sheffield. (2009). Interview: Jenova Chen and ThatGameCompany's Vision of the Future. Available: Last accessed 8th October 2013.
  • Brian Lemay. (2011). Storyboarding Basics. Available: Last accessed 22nd June 2014.
  • Creative Skillset. Concept Artist. Available: Last accessed 17th October 2013.
  • David Colson. (2013). Video game style guides are extremely useful.Available: Last accessed 14th October 2013.
  • Disney. Job Vacancies - Concept Artist. Available: Last accessed 17th October 2013.
  • Jennifer Albright. (2012). How to Make a Storyboard - Storyboard Lingo and Techniques. Available: Last accessed 22nd June 2014.
  • Jesse Schell. (2013). Nobody Wants to Read Your Design. Available: Last accessed 19th October 2013
  • Josh Clark. Why do music and art move us?. Available: Last accessed 8th October 2013.
  • Liberated Pixel Cup Styleguide. Available: Last accessed 14th October 2013.
  • Margrave: The Blacksmith’s Daughter Early Storyboard. Available: Last accessed 14th October 2013
  • Mathew Kumar. (2009). Develop 2009: Thatgamecompany's Chen On How Emotion Can Evolve Games. Available: Last accessed 8th October 2013.
  • Ron. Drawing and Composition for Visual Storytelling. Available: Last accessed 22nd June 2014.
  • Simon Carless. (2009). GDC Europe: Thatgamecompany's Santiago On Flower's Emotional Search. Available: Last accessed 8th October 2013.
  • Sony. The Look and Feel of Planetside 2. Available: Last accessed 14th October 2013.
  • Unknown. Basic Color Theory. Available: Last accessed 6th June 2014.
  • Unknown. The Meanings of Colors. Available: Last accessed 6th June 2014.
  • Unknown. Basic Color Schemes - Introduction to Color Theory.Available: Last accessed 6th June 2014.
  • Unknown. (2014). Color Theory Lessons - Color as Emotion. Available: Last accessed 6th June 2014.
  • Unknown. (2014). Perspective Drawing - Linear and Aerial Perspective.Available: Last accessed 6th June 2014.
  • Valve. DOTA 2 Character Art Guide. Available: Last accessed 14th October 2013.
  • Valve. DOTA 2 Character Color Texture Guide. Available: Last accessed 14th October 2013.
  • Valve. DOTA 2 Character Shader Masks Guide. Available: Last accessed 14th October 2013.

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