Thursday 4 July 2013

Planning my dissertation: Initial thoughts

As the third year draws ever closer, the next big academic task looms overhead - the dissertation module!

The first step is to decide what type of dissertation I want to undertake. I need to pick something that will not only be a learning experience, but something that will keep me motivated for a whole year of work.

3D Modelling:

Straight off the bat I'm going to rule out 3D modelling. It is an area in which i have much to learn, but is also one which I currently find more frustrating than fulfilling. I will improve on 3D modelling casually, in my own time, rather than in something as high-pressure as a dissertation module.


Next, I'm going to rule out programming. While I do have an interest in improving my programming skills, I think it would be too stressful to try and get from my level of programming knowledge - which is minimal - to a level in which I could produce an artefact of a high standard.

Drawing & Creative Writing:

With the above in mind, I have decided that I want to base my dissertation around either art, or creative writing. These are both areas that I feel I would actually enjoy studying in depth. I will most likely settle on a dissertation that focuses mainly on artwork, as drawing is something that I have always had a passion for. The amount of time I have spent drawing has lessened over the years, and it is something that I would love to get back into, while being something in which I still have plenty of room for improvement. I think the dissertation module will be the perfect opportunity to brush up on my art skills, and develop them further.

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