Monday 14 October 2013

Planning my Dissertation: What is a Style Guide?

Before planning out a style guide of my own, I need to investigate what actually goes into a style guide, and what purpose it serves.

In his online article, "Video game style guides are extremely useful", David Colson says that he acknowledges three main types of design document:
  • the game design document, which outlines the gameplay.
  • the technical design document, which outlines technology to be used, game engines, graphics techniques, and so on.
  • the art style guide, something that is commonly associated with web design and graphic design.

Colson argues that the art style guide is just as important in video games. When a game is in pre-production, a vast quantity of concept art is usually required. A style guide is a way for concept artists to consolidate their vision of the game in one place, so that other members of the design team know exactly what they are working towards.

A style guide serves as an "art bible" to the game artists, so they know what colours to use, what art style to use, and what overall aesthetic is trying to be achieved. The aim of a style guide is to provide consistency throughout the whole project, which will result in a more attractive game.

Refer to the following for examples of what a style guide may look like:

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