Sunday 17 August 2014

Story Overview

I have been happy with the story for a good while now, but I realised it would be a good idea to actually present it on my blog, in a legible form!

Overview of Story (the main focus is on what happens up until the end of Scene B):

The game follows the life of Chanda, an impetuous young goddess, who lives in the magnificent city of Aldarene, in the immortal realm of Elysia. Her temper ignites a feud between Aldarene and Coldenaeron (a city ruled by Laufeia, a cold and sinister being). Chanda is then stripped of her powers and exiled from her home, as punishment for her reckless behaviour.

[EXILE SCENE] Chanda faces trial, and Zadoc, the King, passes the final sentence; guilty. She is angry with her family for not supporting her in the trial, and feels betrayed. Unbeknownst to her, the family needed to make sure that she was away from Elysia, because they knew trouble was looming, and wanted to keep her safe. The peace between the two cities has always been fragile and shaky, but Laufeia used Chanda's actions as an excuse to start a new war. Laufeia had been planning a takeover for many years, and the attack was imminent even without Chanda's actions; it was just an excuse to ignite the war sooner. If Laufeia is allowed to rule over the immortal plane, Elysia would be doomed to become a dark and desolate place, and the mortal plane, Baraeuan, and its inhabitants would become his slaves and playthings.

After being stripped of her powers, Chanda crashes to Baraeuan, and is left to fend for herself. Chanda is not used to having to live as a mortal in an impoverished land; Aldarene was luxurious, and she had servants to tend to her every beck and call. She thought of mortals as ants; lowly and unimportant, and undeserving of respect from a higher being such as herself.

[SCENE A] Soon after she arrives in Baraeuan, villagers from the nearby village, Dagneserena, find Chanda unconscious, and take her back to the village so that she can recuperate. She is weary of the villagers at first, but in time she learns that mortals aren't bad or lesser beings; in fact they are capable of incredible acts of selflessness, and are fiercely loyal.

[SCENE B] Later in the game, Chanda is returning to Dagneserena after a quest or mission. As she nears the village she sees something floating down the river. When she reaches into the river, she realises that it is an object from Dagneserena, covered in blood. The hero rushes towards the village, but she is too late; the village is in ruins, and corpses are strewn everywhere. When she realises that the destruction was caused by Laufeia, she buries the dead and heads off to confront him.

The rest of the game follows Chanda as she hunts down Laufeia, and tries to get her powers back.

Meanings behind the names I chose:

I spent quite a long time picking the names, as I wanted them to have meanings that reflect their personality or aesthetic in the story. Here is a list of the meanings behind the names that I settled on:

  • Main Character, Chanda: Hot, fierce, passionate. This matches the character's short temper and tendency towards impulsive behaviour.
  • Immortal Realm, Elysia: Home of the blessed.
  • Capital City of Immortal Realm, Aldarene: Alda means prosperous, and Rene means Peace. The city is a grand, luxurious place, and is also a place of happiness and tranquillity.
  • The Ruler of Elysia, and King of the Gods, Zadoc: Righteous and just.
  • The Main Villain, Laufeia: God of destruction and evil.
  • The City (in Elysia) that Laufeia rules over, Coldenaeron: Colden means dark valley, and Aeron means slaughter. The city is a place of darkness and death, a big contrast to Aldarene.
  • Mortal Plane, Baraeuan: Bara means innocent, and Euan means youth. The mortal plane is young and innocent compared to the immortal plane of Elysia. Baraeuan is akin to a toddler, when compared to the fully-matured Elysia.
  • Village in Baraeuan, Dagneserena: Dagne means new day, and Serena means serenity. Dagneserena becomes the start of a new life for Chanda, as she learns to become a better person, and embrace serenity, rather than the brash and self-centred attitude she used to portray.
  • Elder of Dagneserena, Hakeem: Hakeem means wise.

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