Friday 15 August 2014

Update: Things left to do!

Just posting an update on what still needs doing over the next few days, before hand-in.

  • Storyboard - The storyboard has been completed in its postit note form, I just need to finish digitalising it for submission.
  • Other art - I need to finish digitalising the environment and character sketches (The storyboard part will be in basic sketch form, with only basic colour, but the environment and character sketches will be more detailed).
  • Finish drafted blog posts - I have a few posts that I've been adding to throughout the dissertation, but they've been kept in draft form, as they were constantly changing. These need to be finalised and posted, so that they can be seen - such as a description of the overall story that the art style guide is based on. Seeing as the storyboard design has been largely created on paper rather than on the blog, I have also been keeping a list of changes I have made to the storyboard and sketches along the way, plus the reasons for these changes - this list will be complete once I complete the last bits of art.
  • Update the blog with any final changes to the artefact composition (changes in proportions of content, i.e more character images, less environment images, etc).

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