Tuesday 10 June 2014

Research - Colours and Lighting - Testing Colours on a Simple Picture

I have looked into the theory behind colours and the emotions they can evoke, but now I want to actually test how colour can effect a single image. It will be a quick exercise, just changing the overall colour of the entire image, using Photoshop.

I started with a fairly simple image:

The original image is very bright and cheerful. Lets see if changing the colour can change the overall mood of the image.

 Changing the colour to a deep orange gives the image a feeling of foreboding and unease.

Darkening the orange scene gives the image an increased feeling of danger and unfamiliarity; a big contrast to the original image we started with.


Making the image dark, but more grey-brown than orange, gives the scene a slightly more eerie feel.

 Next, I wanted to try some more subtle colour changes. Here's a reminder of the original image:

By keeping the main colours but changing the hue and saturation, the scene was given a slightly colder, harsher feeling, as can be seen below:


Colour has a big effect, but colour alone is not enough. The contents of the scene also need to be adapted to fit the aesthetic. For example, in the more negative-looking scenes, you would most likely want more clouds, and less grass. This further adds to my thought in previous posts, that a scene needs to have a lot of thought behind it, not just one blanket method, even though each aspect has an effect in itself.

I am now going to look into perspective, and will then start drafting the scenes for my artefact, so that I can start getting feedback.

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