Sunday 17 November 2013

Reviewing my Dissertation Proposal

Now that I've got my mark back for my dissertation proposal, I need to read the feedback, and clear up any uncertainties that the teachers may have about my dissertation.


At the moment, the timeline is set out in a very basic manner. As I decide on the theme and story setting, I should be able to make the timeline more focused.

The Form of the Style Guide:

I think that the style guide will be best suited to a digital form, as it will be much easier to show to employers that way. I would like to have at least one physical copy though, time and printing budget allowing! I want to use the dissertation to practise my Photoshop and digital painting skills, but I would still like to create some pencil drawings. If I still create a digital style guide, then I can scan the pencil drawings, but keep the physical copies to put in my portfolio.

Size and Scale:

I haven't narrowed down the specifics of the section of gameplay/story that I will be focusing on yet. The last few weeks I have been focusing my blog posts on researching story techniques, such as the Hero's Journey. This is to help me decide what section of a story would be best to focus on. In the next few weeks I expect to decide on a basic story idea, and then start to focus on one section of it.

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