Sunday 17 November 2013

The Hero's Journey: 5 of 12 - Crossing the First Threshold

Once the hero accepts the call to adventure, they need to commit to the adventure, by crossing the threshold from the safety of the ordinary world into the dangerous and strange world of the quest ahead. This is not always an optional step. For example, if the hero awakes in a strange place with amnesia they will be forced into the adventure against their will.

The hero must mentally prepare themselves for the adventure ahead, before they cross the threshold. The hero will often have fears and concerns, but will begin the adventure despite them. This is a good time to bond the player with the hero by creating a sense of concern for them. The threshold guardian archetype often comes into play here. This could be manifested as the hero's own misgivings, the fear of the hero's companions, a warning from the enemy who the hero seeks to defeat, or any combination of these.

When the first threshold of adventure is crossed, there is no turning back. The next phase is entered, and the adventure into the special world truly begins.

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