Sunday 17 November 2013

The Hero's Journey: 7 of 12 - The Approach to the Innermost Cave

After the succession of tests, the hero hero approaches the innermost cave. This is the core of the story, where the hero will find the reward he seeks. Mostly this is toward the end of the game, but sometimes it occurs almost exactly in the middle.

When the reward is at the end of the game, the journey back is ignored. The retrieval of the reward is the high point of the journey, and the return is assumed. This is useful when you don't want the player to have to double back on themselves.

When the reward is close to the middle of the game, the focus is on the journey back – retrieving the reward is only half of the story. The hero still needs to get himself and the reward back to the ordinary world. The journey back should be well integrated into the game, and should be significantly different to the outward journey.

The traditional use for this story element is to help prepare the hero for the ordeal ahead. This is done by a number of means, including doing reconnaissance, gathering information, checking or purchasing equipment, or mentally preparing and girding loins for the coming tasks.

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