Sunday 17 November 2013

The Hero's Journey: 6 of 12 - Tests, Allies, and Enemies

Crossing the threshold was the hero's first test. This next phase is often the longest phase of a game story and makes up the bulk of the game, and involves throwing many more similar tests at the hero.

In this phase, the hero ventures forth into the special world and meets many of the character archetypes on the journey. The vast majority of character archetypes in games tend towards allies, shadows, or tricksters. If a player is alone against an alien onslaught, then a hero is surrounded by shadows. Games that are slightly more complex will often provide allies, that serve to give the hero a brief respite between series of tests against progressively more powerful shadows. They exist to replenish the hero's spirit and resolve. In some cases, tricksters and shape-shifter archetypes will take the form of false allies, who turn out to be shadows after all.

More complex games will use many more character archetypes in this phase of the game, and use them repeatedly, and in varying combinations.

The main purpose of this phase is to test and prepare the hero for the grand ordeal that lies ahead. The hero needs to get accustomed to the unfamiliar new world. During the increasingly difficult tests, the hero will forge alliances and make enemies. Sometimes opportunities to make new allies or enemies will be limited, or predestined. Often, the majority of characters that the hero meets are already enemies, and there are few allies.

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