Sunday 10 November 2013

The Hero's Journey: 2 of 12 - The Call to Adventure

The call to adventure is when the hero first becomes aware that they are going to need to leave the safety and stability of the ordinary world to enter the special world of the adventure ahead.

It is very hard to surprise the players, as they already know that they are going to be entering a special world. Therefore, it is often best to use this expectation to build up the player's anticipation and excitement. This suspense needs to be short-lived however, as player's want to play a game, not sit around and wait to play it.

The call to adventure comes in many forms. It is often the catalyst or trigger that sets the storyline in motion. In some stories, there are multiple calls to adventure, and the player must decide how to prioritise them, and which to ignore completely.

The call to adventure can often be personal to the hero themselves, and can involve family or friends being in peril. However in some cases, an external event is the call, such as a large scale grand event.

Temptation can also be used as a call. Generally, games use greed as the main source of temptation. Using sexual temptation tends to result in poor games that are often very distasteful. Greed is a much safer angle to take.

Sometimes the call comes in the form of a message from a herald. The herald does not necessarily have to be an ally of the hero, and can reappear as other character archetypes later, such as the mentor or the shadow.

Sometimes the call to adventure can be less explicit. This can be the result of an emotional void, or lack of knowledge on the part of the hero. The call to adventure is also not always optional for the hero – a player can choose whether to play or not, but the hero isn't necessarily given a choice.

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