Sunday 17 November 2013

The Hero's Journey: 11 of 12 - The Resurrection

The resurrection is the point in the story at which all outstanding plot threads are resolved. Any problems or consequences from the retrieval of the reward are (for the most part) resolved here. Does the story resolve itself? Are there any questions left unanswered? Is this an oversight on the part of the designer, or are they deliberately left open for the sequel?

The resurrection is the final set of tests the hero faces before being able to enjoy the hard-earned reward fully. In conventional stories, the is comparable to the last-minute plot twist: Just when you think the story is over and the hero has won, the enemy resurfaces briefly for a final stand before dying.

Another purpose of the resurrection is so that the player can see clearly how the hero has evolved throughout the story. Has the hero changed? More importantly, does the hero have the answer to the question posed by the story?

The resurrection might also be in the form of an internal revelation for the character that the player might not have foreseen – a trick ending: “No Luke, I am your father.”

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